What’s New with nVent ERICO Cadwelds?


nVent ERICO Cadweld exothermic welding has been popular for nearly a century because of their ability to create low-impedance grounded connections that resist corrosion. After so many years of use, you’d think that our industry would know all there could possibly be to know about how to safely and effectively complete an exothermic weld. However, safety is always at the forefront of what we do internally, what nVent creates for installers, and for the industry as a whole.

With that in mind, our team recently brought in a nVent ERICO Cadweld specialist to learn more about the nVent ERICO Cadweld Plus family of ignition systems.

nVent ERICO Cadweld Plus Impulse Exothermic Welding Control Unit

The new control unit is an ignition system that offers installers more flexibility and is easier to use than previous systems. Using it, our team can now choose the power source that works best for a given job — either AA batteries or a rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery pack.

It also has tons of added safety features, like:

  • A better grip

  • Self-closing trigger guard, which prevents accidental ignitions

  • A 5-second ignition delay so we can stop the ignition if necessary

  • Alligator clip that lets us more easily assess the positive connection through a viewing window

At our internal training, our team learned how to properly operate the control unit. It’s a great addition to our lineup and complements our existing safety procedures well.

nVent ERICO Cadweld Plus System

The nVent ERICO Cadweld Plus System simplifies the process of completing an exothermic weld. In the past, the ignition materials were separate and had to be added manually. With the new system, the ignition materials are in a self-contained steel cup. 

Our team can now place the steel cup into the mold crucible and ignite it with an external control unit. When the reaction completes, the molten metal flows downward into the weld cavity. This new methodology allows our team to complete exothermic welds at the highest possible reliability and with improved safety.

Our nVent ERICO Cadweld Training

The primary goal of our training was to keep our team informed about the safest way to complete quality connections. It also ensures that when we install an exothermic weld, it will last for the full life of the grounding system. 

Ongoing training helps our team stay up to date with the newest methods and accessories from nVent to help installations go safer, easier, and more efficiently while maintaining our rigorous quality standards. After demonstrating their proficiency with performing exothermic welds using the nVent ERICO Cadweld system safely and effectively, our personnel received a card showing that they are Certified nVent ERICO Cadweld Installers. 

If you’re interested in working with Certified nVent ERICO Cadweld Installers in Oklahoma for the most reliable grounded connections possible, then reach out to our team today.

Vivek Dixit